1. How do I claim for Living Allowance?
     Eligibility for Living Allowance is determined by your Union when dispatched to a job site away from your home base. The Union will provide the Employer and Administrative Agent (BPA) with “Eligibility for Benefits”. Your Employer is also required to submit an “Application for Payment” that will confirm the days worked.
  2. How are my Living Allowance Benefits payable?
    Living Allowance Benefits are made payable to you via Direct Deposit, or by cheque mailed to your home address.
  3. How do I set up for Direct Deposit?
     You will need to complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form and submit a void cheque. Please contact the Administrative Agent to obtain a form

Insulators Local 95 Benefit Trust Fund c/o Benefit Plan Administrators 
90 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300 Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C3