Voluntary insurance is coverage that Members can choose to purchase to complement their existing insurance coverage. Voluntary insurance allows individuals to select the types and levels of coverage that best fit their individual circumstances and preferences.
Emergency Medical Travel:
Ability to purchase trip coverage, top-up coverage, and trip cancellation with lost baggage separately
Available for a single trip or multiple trips
Voluntary Critical Illness Insurance:
Guaranteed issue amount of $10,000
Simplified underwriting $10,000 to $50,000
Medically underwritten up to $500,000
Coverage available for spouses up to $500,000 and children to $10,000
Voluntary AD&D Insurance:
Guaranteed up to $500,000
Voluntary Term Life Insurance:
Guaranteed issue amount of $10,000
Simplified underwriting from $10,000 to $100,000
Medically underwritten up to $500,000
Coverage available for spouses up to $500,000 and children to $20,000
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
If not completely satisfied, you can receive a full refund if cancellation is made within 60 days of coverage effective date.
Convenient Premium Payment
Premiums administered on an Individually billed basis to be paid annually by cheque or credit card, or monthly by credit card or pre-authorized debit.
Guaranteed Renewable
Once enrolled, no medical evidence is required to renew coverage, even if health.
Please note that the "Voluntary Insurance" available from BPA is not offered as part of the Insulators Local 95 Benefit Fund or paid for by the Trustees of the Insulators Local 95 Benefit Fund (the "Trustees"). As a result, the Trustees are not liable by the Members or their Eligible Dependents if they choose to purchase these benefits.
How to use Voluntary Insurance
Visit https://specialmarkets.ia.ca/bpa/home or scan the QR Code below: