A qualified financial advisor can assist you in this aspect of assessing your current financial situation. They can walk you through a basic two steps process in analyzing your net worth and cash flow. The process would entail reviewing items such as:

Net worth: This number is calculated by adding up your financial assets, then deducting your liabilities. This figure will reflect the degree of your wealth. Your most common assets will include the following:
Bank accounts, GIC’s, bonds, mutual funds, etc Home, cottage, cars, rental properties, etc

Your most common liabilities will include:
Mortgages, loans, line of credit, credit cards, and other debts

Cash Flow: This is arrived at by up all your revenues then deducting all your expenses, Revenues will include the following:
Employment income, investment income, etc
Less all your expenses, such as
Rents or mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities, etc
Food and clothing, transportation, entertainment, etc
Medical, insurance premiums, etc.

Then they would be able to determine if you have a deficit or surplus. This exercise will also help you to prepare a budget and give you a breakdown between your fixed and discretionary expenses are. If you are running a deficit, your discretionary expenses may be the first place to find out where adjustments can be made. Conversely, a surplus will enable you to allocate the surplus funds towards your financial goals.

Insulators Local 95 Benefit Trust Fund c/o Benefit Plan Administrators 
90 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300 Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C3