It is absolutely essential that you complete an information card, which you can obtain from the Administrative Agent. On this card, you name the beneficiary/beneficiaries to whom your Life Insurance should be paid, in the event of your death. Members should list all Dependents who are eligible for Health and Dental Care benefits.
If you have already completed an information card and you have no desire to change your beneficiary/beneficiaries, it is not necessary for you to complete another card. You may change your named beneficiary/beneficiaries, subject to Provincial Law, by written request, filed with the Administrative Agent. The change will take effect as of the date such request was executed, but without prejudice to the Insurance Company for any payment(s) made before such request is received at its Head Office.
Please be sure to fully complete and sign the card, and return it to the Administrative Agent. It is extremely important that a completed card be on file, since claims cannot be paid on your behalf, or on behalf of your eligible Dependents, unless a card is on file.
After your insurance becomes effective, it is necessary for you to notify the Administrative Agent of any change in your Dependent or marital status. This information is necessary so that your coverage can be adjusted accordingly.